Dr. rer. nat. Siu Hin Lau
Predatory interactions between mycophagous amoeba and fungal pathogens
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)
Evolution of Microbial Interactions
Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Leichnitz
Exploitation and total synthesis of new microbial sphingolipid-type signaling molecules
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)
Chemical Biology of Microbe-Host Interactions
Dr. rer. nat. Jana Lemm
Transcriptional profiling in human sepsis and identification of pathogenetic factors of multiple organ dysfunction
University Hospital Jena
Clinic of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
Dr. rer. nat. Qianqian Li
Chemical communication between bacteria in iron-rich lake aggregates
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Aquatic Geomicrobiology
Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Linde
Systems biology of human pathogenic fungi: Modeling transcriptional networks of virulence
Dr. rer. nat. Xinran Liu
Impact of microbial processes on the reactivity of mineral surfaces of mobile geosorbents
Friedrich Schiller University
Dr. rer. nat. Crisanto Lopez
The Roles of Candida albicans Gpm1p and Tef1p in Immune Evasion and Tissue Invasion of the Human Host
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)
Infection Biology
Dr. rer. nat. Shipeng Lu
Microbial iron cycling in pelagic aggregates (iron snow) and sediments of an acidic mine lake
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Aquatic Geomicrobiology
Dr. rer. nat. Claudia Lüdecke-Beyer
Investigation of Bacterial Adhesion Mechanisms on Nanorough Biomaterials Surfaces Using a Novel In Vitro Testing Device
Friedrich Schiller University
Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research - Materials Science
Dr. rer. nat. Ting Luo
Proteomic analysis of the Candida albicans secretome and its antigenic properties in the human host
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)
Molecular and Applied Microbiology
Dr. rer. nat. Anita Mac Nelly
Expression control and biosynthesis of dehalogenating enzymes from anaerobic soil bacteria in response to the interaction with aerobic halogenating fungi
Dr. rer. nat. Soumya Madhavan
Schizophyllum commune - functional genomics
Friedrich Schiller University
Institute of Microbiology - Microbial Communication
Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Maenz
New resorbable calcium phosphate ceramic composites for the treatment of bone defects
Friedrich Schiller University
Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research - Materials Science
Dr. rer. nat. Lisa Mahler
Microfluidic droplets for single cell segregation and cultivation of environmental microbial communities with integrated screening for antibiotic production and targeted isolation
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)
Biomolecular Chemistry
Dr. rer. nat. Ashish Malik
Organic matter degradation: Linking microbial identity to metabolic function
Dr. rer. nat. Alessandra Marolda
Characterizing innate immune cell activation by fungal pathogens using Live Cell Imaging
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)
Applied Systems Biology
Dr. rer. nat. Arno Märten
How do microbes influence the bioavailability of metals? A bioremediation study
Dr. rer. nat. Derek Mattern
Metabolic Engineering and Bioprospecting of Natural Products in Filamentous Fungi
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)
Molecular and Applied Microbiology
Dr. rer. nat. Michaela Mauß
Unraveling the (bio)chemical processes involved in phytoplankton-virus interactions
Friedrich Schiller University
Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Dr. rer. nat. Sathish Mayanna
Microbial influence on formation/dissolution of Fe-/Mn-oxi (hydroxides) and sorption/co-precipitation of heavy metals