Paula Seibold

Paula Seibold

Friedrich Schiller University

Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Stimulation of basidiomycete indoleethylamine metabolism by spatiotemporal light and temperature gradients

The proposed work investigates the molecular mechanism how psilocybin/indoleethylamine biosynthesis is regulated and transcriptionally and/or post-transcriptionally controlled. The project falls into the Structured Surfaces Microhabitat theme...

PhD start: 04/01/2021


Prof. Dr. Dirk Hoffmeister

Prof. Dr. Dirk Hoffmeister

Friedrich Schiller University

Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Prof. Dr. Axel A. Brakhage

Prof. Dr. Axel A. Brakhage

Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)

Molecular and Applied Microbiology


Seibold PS, Lawrinowitz S, Raztsou I, Gressler M, Arndt HD, Stallforth P, Hoffmeister D2023Bifurcate evolution of quinone synthetases in basidiomycetes. Fungal Biol Biotechnol 10, 14-14.


Gressler M, Löhr NA, Schäfer T, Lawrinowitz S, Seibold PS, Hoffmeister D2021Mind the mushroom: natural product biosynthetic genes and enzymes of Basidiomycota. Nat Prod Rep 38, 702-722.


Seibold PS, Lenz C, Gressler M, Hoffmeister D2020The Laetiporus polyketide synthase LpaA produces a series of antifungal polyenes. J Antibiot (Tokyo) 73, 711-720.
