Dr. rer. nat. Mohammad Mirhakkak

Dr. rer. nat. Mohammad Mirhakkak


Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)

Applied Systems Biology

Additional research training group: FungiNet

Integration of host, pathogen and microbiome -omics data in healthy and disease states

The intestinal microbiota is regulated by environmental, lifestyle and host genetic factors. Therapeutic treatments, and especially small molecule administration, is now considered one of the factors that may disturb the delicate balance of the gastrointe

PhD start: 12/01/2017


Prof. Dr. Marc Thilo Figge

Prof. Dr. Marc Thilo Figge

Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)

Applied Systems Biology

Prof. Dr. Gianni Panagiotou

Prof. Dr. Gianni Panagiotou

Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute (HKI)

Microbiome Dynamics


Alonso-Roman R, Last A, Mirhakkak MH, Sprague JL, Möller L, Großmann P, Graf K, Gratz R, Mogavero S, Vylkova S, Panagiotou G, Schäuble S, Hube B, Gresnigt MS 2022 Lactobacillus rhamnosus colonisation antagonizes Candida albicans by forcing metabolic adaptations that compromise pathogenicity. Nat Commun 13, 3192-3192.
