March, 2024


Jena Alliance Life in Focus course: Career Planning

Dr. Iris Köhler

Target group: Doctoral researchers in at least their 2nd year and postdocs (preferably from the natural and life sciences) Content: The majority of PhD holders does not stay in academia, but pursues careers in a variety of fields. Many young scientist struggle with finding out which career path they…



Jena Alliance Talent Fair 2024

You are at the end of your Master's degree in the life sciences, optics/photonics or medicine and still don't know where you want to do your doctorate? Join the Jena Alliance Talent Fair 2024, which will be held online for the second time at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena! It offers a …


JSMC building, Neugasse 23, lecture hall

Movie night

The JSMC doctoral speakers are going to have a movie night at the lecture hall at Neugasse 23 on Wednesday, March 6, starting at 7 pm! They will decide for a movie together on the spot. They can e.g. provide most of the Marvel movies but we are very open to your suggestions. So, please bring alon…


Leibniz-HKI – Seminar Room Pasteur

Microverse Seminar Guest Speaker Eva Stukenbrock

Eva Stukenbrock

Guest speaker: Eva Stukenbrock, Environmental Genomics, MPI for Evolutionary Biology and Christian-Albrechts University Kiel Title: Fungal interactions and co-adaptation in the plant phyllosphere Start time: 13:00 Place: HKI Jena, Seminar Room Pasteur

JSMC building, Neugasse 23, seminar room 101

Jena Alliance Life in Focus course: R beginners

Hannah Köhler

The workshop will be for beginners in R and will give an overview of basic tools for data analysis. The workshop is completely sponsored and free to all JSMC PhD candidates and postdocs but limited to max. 12 spots. Date and Place: Tuesday, March 12, from 2-6 pm in the seminar room at Neugasse 23. T…


Café Immergrün (Jenergasse 6, 07745 Jena)

JSMC Stammtisch

The next JSMC Stammtisch will take place as follows: Wednesday 13th March, 7 pm Café Immergrün (Jenergasse 6, 07743 Jena) Payment in cash only! Stammtisch is a German word meaning "the regulars' table". Every other month JSMC members get together in a pub to get to know each ot…


HKI Jena

JIPipe Spring course

Dr. Zoltan Cseresnyes, Dr. Ruman Gerst

Dr. Zoltan Cseresnyes, Ruman Gerst and Prof. Dr. Marc Thilo Figge are organising a course on JIPipe from 18 - 22 March 2024. The course gives an introduction to basic optics and microscopy techniques; introduction to image analysis, basic and advanced image processing with JIPipe2. Previous knowledg…



Company visit BLINK Dx

The JSMC speakers are pleased to offer you a new format on the topic of career prospects! As you know, there are already great events like “Alternative Careers in Science (ACiS)”, which provide exciting insights into different jobs and career paths. To highlight Jena as science hub in Thuringia,…


Planetarium Jena

Science Event: Explore the Microbial World

The Cluster of Excellence "Balance of the Microverse" invites you to a science event on March 21st at 4:00 PM at the Zeiss-Planetarium Jena. Dive into the hidden realm of microbes in an event suitable for ages 11 to 99, highlighting their significance in our daily lives and the environment. …


JSMC building, Neugasse 23, lecture hall

Early Career Research Exchange

This series is especially intended for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, although all JSMC and Microverse members are invited to attend. Talks by: Harikumar Raghukumaran Suma - Stable Predator-Prey Interactions on Structured Surfaces Stefanie Lawrinowitz - Turn on the (metabo)light Simone Ed…


JSMC building, Neugasse 23, seminar room 101

Leadership Workshop: Kick-Off for Mentors

Dr. Annika Bartsch

The start of a mentoring relationship is exciting for everyone involved - mentees, mentors and coordinators - and is associated with their own expectations, wishes, uncertainties and ideas. This kick-off workshop for mentors is designed to help you get off to a good start in the mentoring process, r…


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