7th International Symposium "Image-based Systems Biology" (IbSB 2024)
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll Institute
We kindly invite you to actively participate in the 7th International Symposium "Image-based Systems Biology" (IbSB 2024) that will be held on September 26-27, 2024 at the Leibniz-HKI in Jena.
You can find all information on the developing list of invited speakers and the abstract submission here: https://asb-conference.hki-jena.de/
We kindly invite you to submit your abstract at your earliest convenience and before June 30, 2024. Note that you can again choose between a contribution as Poster, Talk or Tandem-Talk!
A Tandem-Talk will be given by two speakers on the same topic, i.e. the speakers will switch back and forth one or more times during their common presentation. In this way, we want to strengthen the idea of systems biology and enable researchers from different disciplines to team up on presenting their collaborative work. To support this format, speaking time for Tandem-Talks will be scheduled longer than for normal talks. Both speakers need to register, while only one abstract form needs to be submitted.