IMPRS course: Introduction to basic statistics and R

Dr. Grit Kunert, MPI-CE


The course will mainly cover the basics in statistics and important methods for comparing groups:
1. descriptive statistics (characteristic values: averages, variability)
2. comparison of 1 or 2 means
3. comparison of more than 2 means – ANOVA
4. regression

The course will be a combination of lecture (for the theory) and practical work. In the practical part I will give an introduction into R and you will learn how to do the tests in R. You don't have to have previous knowledge about statistics or R.
The course will take place daily in the mornings from 9 am to about 1 pm via Zoom. So if you plan to take part, please make sure that you have a stable internet connection. You also need to be able to talk (not only to write in the chat). Video (webcam) would be nice but is not really necessary.

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