Jena Alliance course: Writing funding applications

Dr. Hendrik Huthoff


You are hereby invited to attend a the workshop "Writing Funding Applications" on the 14th of November from 13:00 to 14:30 by Hendrik Huthoff, which will be held via zoom (link below). Registration is not required, just tune in on the day. If you have applications you are working on, we can have a look at them during the Q&A at the end.

Hendrik has ample experience with successful funding applications at the Program level (excellence cluster, collaborative research centers, DFG, BMBF, Carl Zeiss Foundation) as well as project funding and personal fellowships (Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, DAAD, charitable organisations and industry partnerships). He has also acted as a reviewer for several funding bodies.

In this workshop, he will present the dos and don'ts of writing funding application to help you avoid common pitfalls and maximise your chances of success with your next application.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 645 4245 9774
Passcode: 959774

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