JSMC/ILRS Alumni Meeting

Online Event

We are pleased to announce that our alumni meeting will take place again this year - as an online event. Due to the uncertain situation, we will unfortunately not be able to welcome you in Jena, but it will be a pleasure to see you online and share some experiences.

The 3rd Alumni Meeting for the JSMC and ILRS postgraduates will be organised this year on the afternoon of the Schiller Day Friday, June 25, 2021 from 3.30 to 7 pm. The aim of this event is to bring current and former members of JSMC and ILRS together for networking purposes. During the event, you will have the opportunity to get (back) in touch and exchange experiences with current doctoral researchers and your former fellows. We will hear lectures about the different professions of former doctoral researchers with time for questions and exchange, followed by an online socializing event.

You can find the programme with login details here.

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