Lecture series WKJ Network: Adressing mental load of parents working in science

Anne Warskulat

online via Zoom

Addressing mental load of parents working in science - How does resource-conscious research and work succeed?

Parenthood alters our reality and perception of work. Suddenly, our carefully tried and tested energy and resource management needs an urgent update to meet the unexplored complexity of our lives. Embracing the pitfalls and challenges provides the opportunity to create a sustainable and productive work atmosphere.

This interactive talk will explore potential adjustments and new ways to thrive as parents working in science. The speaker is Anne Warskulat, Jena.

You will receive the access data for the event (Zoom meeting) from the coordinator of the JSMC (office@jsmc.info). If this person is not available at the moment, please contact Mrs Gößner (dorothee.goessner@uni-jena.de).

This event will be held in English.

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