Mental Health Week: Introduction Talk

Dr. Hendrik Huthoff


The German Mental Health Week, Oct 10-20th, is approaching.

This year we’re participating with a mix of different offers based on your answers to the questionnaire during the summer (please see the program attached). Kindly note that more offers may follow in the future based on your needs, wishes, and the feedback that we receive.

Program Overview:

The previous manager, Dr. Hendrik Huthoff, is summarizing Mental Health in Academia in his introduction talk on Thursday, Oct 10th, at 4 pm on Zoom - No registration is necessary, for access details please see the program.

Dr. Maik Goth will give a workshop on Self-management, Resilience, Mental Load, and Family for Researchers in seminar room 101 on Friday, Oct 11 – registration now open!

On Tuesday, Oct 15th, at 4 pm we will learn Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Frieda Busch in seminar room 101 – registration now open!

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