Welcome to the Doctorate


We cordially welcome all doctoral candidates who started their doctorate in the last year!

At the online event "Welcome to the doctorate" on 26 October, we give you an overview on the offerings of Friedrich Schiller University Jena and you get to know representatives of the doctoral council (DR.FSU). All new doctoral candidates will receive an invitation at the beginning of October. Should you not receive one, please contact us per e-mail.

For a smooth participation in the event, we recommend that you install the programme "Zoom" on your computer. If necessary, you can also join via browser - however, this may lead to restrictions in functionality. You will need a stable internet connection - so please do not login via smartphone or tablet. If you have already installed the Zoom programm, please update it to the latest version. Please also note the data protection notice [pdf, 337 kb] de.

It will be possible to enter the room five minutes before the beginning of the event. During this event we want to take a welcome picture. For that it would be nice if you could keep the invitation card at the ready that we send you a few weeks ago.

We are looking forward to seeing you online!

Further information: www.uni-jena.de/en/welcome_to_the_doctorate

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