JSMC Best Supervisor Award Goes to Miriam Agler-Rosenbaum
The supervision award was presented for the first time as part of our doctoral conference MiCom 2024, held from 2 - 4 September at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. This year the award went to Prof. Miriam Agler-Rosenbaum from the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll Institute. The award, introduced to recognize exceptional leadership and supervision in the microbiology community, was presented during the conference's closing ceremony.
As head of the Bio Pilot Plant at the Leibniz-HKI, Miriam Agler-Rosenbaum is appreciated by her group for her flexibility, open manner and empathetic support. “She is always there to help,” is a common praise from our members. The pleasant working atmosphere in her team, which is characterized by her relaxed manner and decisiveness, is also particularly emphasized.
Agler-Rosenbaum was visibly moved during the interview: “I am very pleased that my type of supervision is so well received and recognized by the doctoral researchers.” For her, it is crucial to perceive her employees as people and to take into account both their professional and personal challenges. “Our work is part of life. It's not just about scientific results, but also about understanding and supporting people as a whole.” When asked what advice she would give to young researchers, she says: “Seek advice and talk about problems – different perspectives usually offer the best solutions.”