JSMC Graduates - A PhD Journey: Lukas Zehner

Text by by Lukas Zehner

In my thesis I investigated the genetic mechanisms underlying a bacterial-fungal interaction between Streptomyces iranensis and Aspergillus nidulans. I did my PhD in the
group of Prof. Axel A. Brakhage, department of Molecular and Applied Microbiology at the HKI Jena, and will defend it on the 04.02.2025. While it was not always easy, I very much appreciate the time as a PhD student. Working on a scientific project like this and having to handle all the attached challenges and opportunities, helped me to grow not only scientifically, but also as a person. I learned to better trust in my abilities, but also what my limits are and what I still need to work on.

After my defense, I will look for job offers in industry and since I do not have a fixed career path in mind, I will just have to see what suits me best. I am grateful that in the meantime, I can continue to work in the group of Prof. Brakhage, finish experiments and tie up some loose ends. I think the JSMC provides a very good support network for their PhD students. Especially in the starting phase, the meetings and community events are a good opportunity to get to know new people. Particularly for people who moved here from different cities (like me) or abroad this is very valuable. Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic prevented these in-person meetings and events for a significant
part of my PhD time. Therefore, I am very happy to see that they have been restarted and appear to be well-received by the community.

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