New format on the topic of career prospects: Company visit at BLINK Dx

The JSMC speakers recently started a new format on the topic of career prospects! As you know, there are already great events like “Alternative Careers in Science (ACiS)”, which provide exciting insights into different jobs and career paths. To highlight Jena as science hub in Thuringia, our speakers team wanted to give our researchers additional insights into Jena-based companies. And what better way to do this than to visit the companies and talk to the employees?

The first company we could recruit for this format is BLINK Dx. BLINK Dx is a company founded in 2015, that develops assays and solutions for bioanalytics and diagnostics. You can find out more about the company here:

And what a great start to our new format on career perspectives within the Jena School for Microbial Communcation! Thank you, BLINK for making this possible! We had an awesome afternoon learning about the company and its products, visiting different departments and closing the event of with lots of interesting conversations and cake.

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