JSMC Newsletter 2021/01
Oops, it's been a while since our last newsletter. But for the start of the summer we would like to provide you with some information again.
Featured Events
Below, please find a small selection of upcoming events. A complete and up-to-date list is available in the Event Calendar on the JSMC website www.jsmc.uni-jena.de. All courses are open to all JSMC PhD students. Course registration follows the first-come, first-served rule.
June 9, 2021, 18:00
Social Event: German Conversation Night
Since many of our JSMC members liked the idea of talking German to each other once in a while, we now decided to have a 'German Conversation Night' every second Wednesday of a month at 6 pm where we will talk German for an hour or two!
Location: online
June 17, 2021, 19:00
DR.FSU: Quiz night
The DR.FSU is hosting a final Online Quiz Night at 7pm! Brush off the pandemic blues with some fun and offbeat questions and get some cool prizes! The event takes place via Zoom (password: night).
June 25, 2021, 15:30 – 19:00
JSMC/ILRS Alumni Meeting
Lecturer: JSMC and ILRS alumni
Location: online
June 28, 2021, 17:00
IMPRS Basic Lecture: tbd
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny, FSU Jena
Location: online
June 29, 2021, 11:00 – 12:00
Motivation Innovation - Nucleus Jena introduces itself
Lecturer: Nucleus Jena
Location: online
June 30, 2021, 09:30 – 12:30
Jena Alliance course: Networking Workshop - SKILLS TO SUCCEED
Lecturer: Dr. Rosmarie Katrin Neumann, Impact Dialog
Location: online
July 14, 2021; 16:00
MiCoCo Stars: Bio-Geo Interactions and Extreme Metal Tolerance in Streptomycetes
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Erika Kothe, Institute for Microbiology, Microbial Communication, FSU Jena
Location: online
News from the JSMC Community
Alumni Meeting
We are happy to announce that the 3rd Alumni Meeting for the JSMC and ILRS postgraduates will take place on Friday, June 25, 2021 from 15:30! We have once again found some alumni in exciting positions who report on their careers. So it is definitely worth to join us.
The presentations will be followed by a virtual get together at 19:00 via wonder.me. This is your chance to catch up with other current and former JSMC and ILRS doctoral researchers in a relaxed atmosphere and/or play some games.
The programme and the zoom login details can be found here: https://www.jsmc-phd.de/event/jsmc-ilrs-alumni-meeting.html
Looking for a new JSMC doctoral speaker
We are looking for a new member to be part of the JSMC speakers team to replace Anthony Chukwubuikem. Specifically, Anthony has been organising the MiCoCo lecture series, so his replacement would be responsible for inviting speakers with the support of Hendrik, Katja and the other speakers.
The JSMC speakers are the representatives of our doctoral researchers on the executive board, meaning you would additionally be involved in recruitment meetings, events and on occasion peer review of projects. It is a great opportunity to gain organisational experience as well as building your professional profile and network. You would be joining Lena Gauthier and Ayda Azar on the speakers team.
If you are interested please contact office@jsmc.info
Reminder: Travel Grants
We would like to remind you of the fact that each JSMC doctoral researcher (officially admitted to the JSMC) has the opportunity once a year to apply for travel support of up to 500 € (based on receipts) for all research or science trips, e.g. summer schools, conferences, workshops etc., both nationally and internationally. As travel is currently somewhat difficult, this grant can of course also be used for the fees for online conferences, summer school etc. only.
Please send a short application with an explanation and the scientific purpose of your travel as a separated, signed document to office@jsmc.info
An application is possible at any time.
JSMC Newcomers 2021
There have been some JSMC newcomers this year. We want to take this opportunity to introduce and welcome them to the JSMC!
Kevin Bisdorf
Is supervised by Dr. Taubert (FSU). He started his research on “Targeted “fishing” for microbial interaction partners” at the Institute of Aquatic Geomicrobiology (FSU) in April 2021.
Alexander Iliou
Started his research in March 2021 in the research group “Evolution of Microbial Interactions“ at the HKI. His project is “How to become a chloroplast? - Deciphering primary events in the evolution of phototrophic endosymbionts in a phagocytic predator” under the supervision of Dr. Hillmann (HKI).
Annika Lenic
Joined the Bio Pilot Plant (HKI) in January 2020. Her project is “Exploring mediator-based microbial electron uptake and physiological usage” under the supervision of Prof. Agler-Rosenbaum (HKI) and Dr. Lackner (HKI).
Paula Seibold
Is supervised by Prof. Hoffmeister (FSU) and Prof. Brakhage (HKI). She started her research on “Stimulation of basidiomycete indoleethylamine metabolism by spatiotemporal light and temperature gradients” at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Microbiology (FSU) in April 2021.
Sonja Türpitz
Started her research in March 2021 at the Matthias Schleiden Institute – Bioinformatics (FSU). Her project is “Modelling and computer simulation of multipartite lung microbiome systems” under the supervision of Prof. Schuster (FSU) Prof. Brakhage (HKI).
Eric Ruhland
Joined the Junior Research Group Bacterial RNA Biology at the FSU in January 2021. He is supervised by Dr. Fröhlich (FSU) and Prof. Brakhage (HKI) and works on the project “Adaptation of the major human pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae to multispecies environments”.
Zubaish Saghir
Is supervised by Prof. Agler-Rosenbaum (HKI) and Dr. Mosig (FSU). She started her research on “In Situ Investigation of Pure and Co-Culture Electro Respiration” at the Bio Pilot Plant (HKI) in July 2020.
New Doctors 2021
We would like congratulate all new doctors on their successful graduation and wish them all the best for the future.
Ron Hermenau
Thesis title: Cyclic Lipopeptides as Chemical Mediators in Bacteria-Host Interactions
Mario Krespach
Thesis title: The role of natural products in a novel tripartite interaction between fungi, bacteria, and green algae
Prasad Aiyar
Thesis title: Molecular dissection of Ca2+ signaling in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in response to biotic and abiotic factors
Philipp Kämmer
Thesis title: Individuelle Anpassung als Überlebensstrategie: Transkriptionsanalysen von Blutinfektionen human-pathogener Candida-Spezies
Franziska Schmidt
Thesis title: Interferenz von Aspergillus fumigatus mit der zellulären Immunabwehr
Career, Funding and Information
Newsletter of the profile line LIFE
The profile line LIFE of the Friedrich Schiller University encompasses research in the areas Microbiology, Infection Biology, Biodiversity, Bio-Geo Interactions and Aging Research and has now launched an email-newsletter to inform about the current happenings, such as calls for applications, awards, news, personalia, events. You may sign up here if you wish to receive this newsletter: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/research/research+profile/profile+line+life/newsletter
Open postdoctoral positions in the CRC AquaDiva
The Collaborative Research Centre 1076 AquaDiva at the FSU Jena invites applications for three postdoctoral positions. All open positions can be found here: http://www.aquadiva.uni-jena.de/Open_Positions.html
The application deadline is 20 June, 2021.
→ send them to office@jsmc.info!