Joining membership PhDs
Doctoral researchers who are registered at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena may apply for joining membership of the JSMC if at least one of their supervisors is a JSMC faculty member and their research project fits thematically into our training program. Principal Investigators affiliated with the Friedrich Schiller University or non-university research institutes in Jena may apply for joining Faculty member status if their research fits into the JSMC program and their track record is deemed to meet the criteria of the DFG excellence strategy. Please contact the JSMC management for guidance on submitting joining membership applications.
Our Guide
The benefits and requirements of being a JSMC Doctoral Researcher a summarized in our guide "How to become a JSMC Doctoral Researcher".
Joining membership Postdocs
All early-career scientists who already received their doctorate or have submitted and waiting for their defence (JSMC PhDs and external researchers) who continue their scientific research in a research group that is already associated with the JSMC are eligible to apply for admission. Please provide recommendation letters by two JSMC faculty members.
Please use the application form below.