Scientific training
The scientific program is concerned with the professional development of doctoral researchers to keep abreast of the latest developments in technologies and procedures pertaining to their research. We offer a variety of training including but not limited to cutting edge microscopy, genomic analysis and bioinformatics as well as subjects that are requested by our doctoral researchers. Furthermore, all JSMC doctoral researchers are required to attend a mandatory annual training in good scientific practice. Additionally, courses on statistical analysis and research data management are offered and recommended by the JSMC.
To promote an active scientific exchange, the JSMC together with the excellence cluster "Balance of the Microverse" offer a variety of seminars. For the bi-annual Microbial Communication Colloquium, the JSMC invites national and international speakers to provide an overview about currently ongoing top-level research in microbiology. The monthly Microverse seminar series features internal and external speakers and offers a platform to engage in the scientific discourse. Additionally, the monthly Early Career Research Exchange offers our PhDs and postdocs the chance to present their own research projects to a broad audience and fosters the discussion amongst early career scientists.
Early presentation and discussion of data at international conferences is encouraged to help in establishing a culture of scientific discourse and to develop networking. Therefore, each JSMC doctoral researcher has the opportunity to apply for travel support once a year.
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