Science Meets Society Roundtable - Sustainability and global resource allocation
We are happy to announce our next installment of Science Meets Society Roundtable, a place to discuss topics of ethics, equity and inclusion in science, and the role that our work plays in society. This time around, we will read and discuss several shorter texts on the topics of sustainability…
In the Jena Microbiome Meeting, we aim to create an opportunity for microbiome researchers to connect, collaborate, and develop new interdisciplinary projects, ideas, and approaches that can substantially advance the field.
As the field of microbiome research continues to evolve, there is a growing…
We are happy to announce the next 'Alternative Careers in Science' seminar on Wednesday, 10th of May, 2023 at 6 pm held online via Zoom. This seminar will give you the chance to meet invited scientists from different non-academic companies and to listen to them when they talk about their …
Lecture hall Koch & Pasteur, Leibniz-HKI and hybrid
Symposium 'Future of Drug Development'
We are happy to welcome excellent speakers from the fields of microbiome and drug development research for presentation in person and online.
Everybody is welcome to join and attendance is free of charge. For our planning we kindly ask you to register here if you plan to attend:…
Jena Excellence in Microbiology Seminar Series: Emily Davenport
Emily Davenport, Biology Department, Penn State University
JEMS: Jena Excellence in Microbiology Series
Emily Davenport from the Biology Department at Penn State University will give a talk on "Causes and consequences of human microbiome composition"
In person only on Leibniz-HKI – Seminar Room Koch/Pasteur at 13:00
OFF Bar Jena, Weigelstraße 7, 07743 Jena
JSMC Stammtisch
Let's get together and meet for a drink or two after work.
The first three attendees will get a drink for free.
online and Großer Rosensaal, Fürstengraben 27
CZS Honorary Guest Lectures: Prof. Oliver Monti
Prof. Oliver L.A. Monti, The University of Arizona
The Jena Alliance, a network of graduate schools in Jena, funded by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, would like to invite you to our next CZS Honorary Guest Lecture which will be given by Prof. Oliver L.A. Monti (The University of Arizona) on a physics-based approach to advancing the green energy transition…